iCloud vs Google Drive – Choosing a Cloud Storage Provider

September 01, 2021


Are you someone who is looking for a cloud storage provider but is unsure as to whether to go with iCloud or Google Drive? While both of these services have their benefits, choosing the right one for you can make all the difference. In this guide, we will provide an unbiased comparison of both iCloud and Google Drive, giving you all the necessary facts and figures to make an informed choice.


When it comes to cost, iCloud offers 5GB of free storage, with additional paid plans starting at $0.99/month for 50GB and ranging up to $9.99/month for 2TB. Google Drive, on the other hand, offers 15GB of free storage and additional paid plans starting at $1.99/month for 100GB and ranging up to $299.99/month for 30TB.

Winner: iCloud (for cheaper plans) and Google Drive (for more storage)

File Sharing

Both cloud storage providers offer file-sharing services, but Google Drive's file-sharing capabilities are more extensive. While iCloud allows users to share files with other iCloud users, Google Drive lets users share files with anyone by providing a shareable link. Google Drive even allows you to give viewing and editing permissions to specific users.

Winner: Google Drive


When it comes to securing your data, iCloud offers two-factor authentication, and all of your data is encrypted. Google Drive also offers two-factor authentication and encrypts your data, but it also uses machine learning algorithms to detect and prevent phishing attacks.

Winner: Tie


iCloud is Apple's proprietary cloud storage solution and is integrated into all of Apple's devices. This means that if you own an iPhone, iPad or a Mac, you can seamlessly use iCloud to store and sync your data. Google Drive, on the other hand, is more versatile as it is compatible with devices across all operating systems including iOS and Android.

Winner: iCloud (for Apple users), Google Drive (for cross-platform users)

Ease of Use

Both iCloud and Google Drive are relatively easy to use, but their interfaces differ. iCloud has a straightforward interface that is easy to navigate, while Google Drive's interface is more complex, providing more options and features.

Winner: iCloud


Both iCloud and Google Drive offer excellent cloud storage solutions, and the right option for you depends on your specific needs. If you're an Apple user, then iCloud is an excellent choice as it is integrated into Apple's ecosystem. Google Drive is a more versatile option, offering better file-sharing capabilities and compatibility with cross-platform devices. Ultimately, it comes down to what you prioritize more- cost, file-sharing, security, integration, or ease of use.


  1. iCloud Pricing
  2. Google Drive Pricing
  3. iCloud Security
  4. Google Drive Security

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